Nil Sine Numine

You are forgiven if you do not recognize this Latin phrase and you are excused if you have no idea what it means. “Nil Sine Numine” is the official motto for the state of Colorado. It is inscribed on the Great Seal of the state. It is usually translated as ‘Nothing without the Deity’ or ‘Nothing without God’ and…

Men Have Forgotten God

The great Russian author, historian and philosopher, Alexander Solzhenitsyn once said that all of the wars and brutality of the twentieth century could be explained in just four words: Men have forgotten God. He remembered being a young boy and listening to the old men talk about the terrible disasters that had befallen Russia and…

View From My Window

Each morning as I report to work, I unlock the front door, open the blinds, and realize all over again that the view from my desk is that of the entrance to our local Planned Parenthood. Although the placement of our office is not accidental, the view can be oppressive. Just a few yards away,…