Each morning as I report to work, I unlock the front door, open the blinds, and realize all over again that the view from my desk is that of the entrance to our local Planned Parenthood. Although the placement of our office is not accidental, the view can be oppressive. Just a few yards away, babies are being killed on a regular basis and disposal trucks come and go with only a nod from the security guard that sits in the  parking lot every day. The fight is very real here at ground zero, and every battle seems extremely personal to the volunteers who stand in all kinds of weather to offer help to young moms and pray for the innocent lives taken. Too often the battle is lost, but we will not give up the fight to win the war. We continue to speak for the babies who cannot speak for themselves, and we continue to help the women who feel they have no option other than abortion. We do these things because they are the right things to do – our obligations as Christians and as human beings. Join the quest, lead with love, and stand up now to acknowledge that life is a beautiful thing that is always worth protecting.

Martha Sandner is Executive Director of Lifeguard in Durango, Colorado  https://lifeguardlaplata.org/